New Work

During these difficult times I have been finding respite and refuge in nature, once again painting outdoors, after many years of working predominantly in the studio. It has been healing to be in the shade of a forested landscape, noticing how the light pierces through the trees, how the branches intertwine, where they connect, how they relate.

These recent paintings are a direct evolution from my previous work, where atmospheric forces were dominant. I’ve reintroduced landscape elements such as branches and trees as an examination and play with the use of line and connection.  We’ve all been looking at so many graphs and statistics, our eyes need a break from the hard edge and need to follow a different, more organic flowing pattern of line. Using spraypaint gives me the ethereal atmospheric light I’m after, and contrasting it with thick opaque lines of oils for the intertwining branches serves to ground us in a visceral connection to earthly elements. 

This new body of work started a couple of years pre-pandemic when I was confronting a different, more personal type of pause, one that had me examining my life at its mid point, reassessing my priorities, examining what is most important, embracing and trusting in inevitable change. Using the forest and biodiversity as a metaphor, I was working out what it means to be a woman of mid life and mid career. During this early stage of the new work, I found inspiration in many artists and writings, specifically in the paintings of Hilma af Klint and her portrayal and celebration of all of the stages of life.

Potential title for show:
These In-Between Days